Our son has flown in from Boston for a week's visit, and we're all spending a few days in Santa Fe. Jeff drove our car up from Las Cruces while Nancy, the cats, and I drove up in our RV. Yesterday we spent a few hours strolling down Canyon Road and poking our heads into the fancy galleries where the sculptures and paintings run a little on the pricey side. For example, you can have a beautiful bronze sculpture of a family of donkeys for only $85,000.
Today we took a look at Madrid and Cerrillos, two small towns on the Turquoise Trail. Here are some doodads created by a Madrid artist out of recycled materials:
Nice town 60 years ago, when I worked there. I expect it's grown. Did you get to Tesuque? That's where I lived.
I love the top pic of the archway of books with the child reading a book on the top. Very sweet.
Straight From Hel
I remember Santa Fe! Yes, many over-priced art galleries. But a cool town!
L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”
Its really a very great place . . .
Love the bridge of books photo.
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