Here is iUniverse's new cover design for the Star edition of
When Pigs Fly.

And this is the logo on the back cover.

By the way, a reader emailed me today and called
When Pigs Fly an "absolutely fun and utterly impossible book." Sigh. Words like that are beautiful music.
I like the old cover on the left better than the new cover. Both, however, need the title in larger type.
I think I like the older one better, too.
However, your name does need to be as big if not bigger than the title, so that part is good! (Go look at the cover of any big bestselling author's book and you'll see what I mean.)
L. Diane Wolfe
I was just going to say, "ohhh, I like the new one!!!" And I do. I'm sort of surprised to see the comments here, but I'm one who loves change. I like the authentic setting in the background. Who get's the photo credit?
My own feelings about the new cover are mixed. I like the old one a lot and have received plenty of positive comments about it.
iUniverse creates new covers for all their Star editions, which is why the change. I approved the new cover without changes, so it's fixed unless I want to open my wallet.
Ruth, the background is probably a stock photo. The iUniverse graphic artist selected it, so I don't know the source.
I like the new cover. The joke is a bit funnier against such a serious backdrop. However, the pig is a little too pale, making it blend with the sky. If the pig were a darker shade, say pink or tan, it might work better. The more close-up imagery and eye-popping color in the first cover do stand out... Maybe you could apply those things to the new concept.
Cara Lopez Lee
Author of ”They Only Eat Their Husbands”, coming soon from Ghost Road Press
I think it's a hoot. I actually don't mind the sort of muted pig because it takes a moment to get the joke. The one thing I'd change is the font/color of the title. Something about that feels off to me.
Gotta admit--I miss that big pig! But the new cover with the big star on it is a tremendous accomplishment. Well done!
Pig over the Grand Canyon -- very nice. Striking. But do wish the pig were more noticeable. Congratulations Bob!
Pig over the Grand Canyon -- very nice. Striking. But do wish the pig were more noticeable. Congratulations Bob!
I like the new cover, pig flying over such a spectacular landscape, it must be a "crazy" book...
Bargain with the Devil
I like the new cover, too. Congratulations on the Star Edition and wishing you continued success with the new cover.
I like the new cover a lot. I think the title and author name look fine, and the subtle pig against the huge background scenery works for me. They do nice work.
That's a cute cover Bob!
It should not be necessary to print "A Novel" on the cover of a novel. It's been overdone, many, many times already.
Dickens, Fitzgerald and Hemingway didn't need this silly label on their novels, and neither should anyone else.
If you go to a supermarket would you expect a banana to be labeled "A Fruit?"
Does a BMW carry a label that says "A Car?"
In my book on self-publishing, I say: "if you write a novel and you put “a novel” on the cover, I may buy a copy just so I can hit you over the head with it. Find another way to let people know it’s fiction."
Michael N. Marcus
author of "Become a Real Self-Publisher," due next month.
Hello there, Michael. You may whack me on the head with the book as long as you buy it. In fact, buy a hundred copies and whack me a hundred times. And tell your friends—I'll give them the same deal.
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