Being fundamentally a cheapskate, I'd thought to bypass paid advertising for When Pigs Fly and Getting Lucky and see how far I could get with my own online efforts. As it turns out, that hasn't been very far. So Ifinally agreed to spend $349 through iUniverse on an email marketing campaign for When Pigs Fly, which includes sending out a half million emails over a two-week span. Not long ago, I saw that the book's ranking had sunk to 1,880,000. Could it go any lower? It did, down to 2,178,615.
Today iUniverse notified me that the first emails went out yesterday, so I checked my Amazon ranking again. It was 350,579, so something good is happening. Here is the ad:

That's great that you can track some success!
I guess there's a lot to be said about the power of advertising! I hope the campaign continues to be a success.
Now that it's been a couple of months, how you would just the effectiveness of the email campaign on iUniverse? Was it worth it? I'm a fellow author on iUniverse and I'm trying to decide where best to spend my marketing $$$.
Oops. That was supposed to be "judge."
Hi Elaine,
Just before the email campaign my Amazon ranking was about 2,000,000, give or take a few hundred thou. The ranking improved briefly but soon slid back. Now it's back at 2,000,000 again.
Amazon ranking is not a direct indicator of unit sales, and I don't know that number. iUniverse marketing people are careful not to make promises, but they did tell me later that people have to hear about your book multiple times. That's possibly true, but they're only suggesting that the author spend more money.
By itself, I don't think the mass mailing is worth the money.
Thanks, Bob. That's pretty much what I thought. I did pay to upgrade it to an eBook and to the format for the Kindle and Sony Readers. The fee was much smaller and I'm hearing that Kindle books are selling. I'm planning to re-market it based on it being available in the newer formats.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
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