We'd never have seen these grizzlies if we hadn't been backed up in traffic while dozens of tourists ahead of us stopped their cars in the road and aimed their cameras. Being stuck in traffic for a good half hour, we thought we might as well take photos of our own. Bison and elk have been far easier for us to spot than bear.

Steamboat Geyser spouts far higher than Old Faithful—when it decides to spout. The last time was in 2005, and it goes off every 5 to 50 years, as opposed to every 90 minutes for Old Faithful.

Boiling water bubbles out of the ground and onto a thin crust of ground that is easy to fall through and be scalded to death, according to the warning signs. Luckily, the pathways are well maintained and safe.

Mammoth Hot Springs grows out of a fracture in the earth from which hot water flows, leaving these limestone terraces.
I took about 190 photos in the two days at Yellowstone—even accounting for dupes and bad shots, far too many to post in a blog. After getting home and settling down, I'll put up the better ones on Flickr.
Tomorrow is a long travel day across Montana to the town of Hardin.
Bringing back memories! Mammoth Hot Springs was one of my favorite sites.
L. Diane Wolfe
It's been a few years since we've traveled to this part of the world. Your beautiful photos remind me that I'm ready to go back again.
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